‘You’re all crazy’: Kevin Durant call a fan for saying EuroLeague is harder to score than NBA

Numerous NBA international stars have stated that scoring in the EuroLeague is more difficult than in the NBA. Kevin Durant is not of the same mind.

BasketNews journalist Giorgos Kyriakidis recently interviewed EuroLeague veteran Kyle Hines, who shared his thoughts on the two tournaments.

“When I was 22, my basketball worldview was so ‘it’s just the NBA.'” Now that I’m 37, I’ve had the opportunity to have a comprehensive perspective. “I’d compare the NBA to checkers and Europe to chess,” he says.

The final statement gained traction on X, formerly Twitter, and was published by Legion Hoops, a popular basketball account.

“NBA is simple… EuroLeague is difficult.” Everyone says the same thing. “Joel Embiid can’t average 30 points per game in the EuroLeague,” one fan remarked. That’s when Kevin Durant entered the picture.

The Phoenix Suns superstar was vehemently opposed.

“Get the f out of here, lmao.” “You guys are insane,” he wrote.

The two then sparred, with the fan attempting to establish his case and KD attempting to discredit him.

The notion that scoring is easier in Europe has gained popularity in recent years, with numerous renowned players, such Luka Doncic, claiming that it is simpler to have huge statistics in the NBA.