Enjoy the ship… turning upside down

This device, known as EGO, floats and sinks in the sea.Its true shape is similar to an overturned ship because the cabin, rather than laying on the water, is meant to sink into the sea, with two hulls floating on the water surrounding it.

EGO is a Raonhaje Company (Korea) product featuring an electric motor.It takes 6-9 hours to fully charge the battery, and the EGO can run continuously for 8 hours at a speed of 9.2 km/h.
Raonhaje’s spokesman emphasized that EGO is a ” semi-submarine ” that allows tourists to enjoy the ocean scenery.Because the EGO is not a sealed submarine, an oxygen delivery system is not required.

The control chamber, which has two chairs, is similarly located underneath.The main doors and windows are made of acrylic, which is 200 times stronger than glass of the same thickness and can transmit light up to 92% of the time.Raonhaje suggests that consumers take EGO ashore once a week for cleaning because it is not coated with antifouling paint.

To give visitors with vivid visuals, EGO’s cabin has an LCD screen connected to the camera above. EGO also has a digital device that detects depth using sound waves. When it enters shallow water, it will provide a warning to the driver to proceed to deeper water. A battery monitoring system and a VHF radio system are also included.

Let’s go on a tour of the ship!