Jaylen Brown stands out as a natural leader as well as his strong voice off the court

With his remarkable performance as an NBA star and his powerful voice off the court, Boston Celtics All-Star forward Jaylen Brown stands out as a natural leader.

Jaylen Brown is preoccupied with several things. The Celtics’ All-Star forward is curiously silent in a picture studio on the southern outskirts of Boston. He takes a deliberate pause when you ask him a question. This is not a result of the media training he received. On the contrary, it indicates that he is always deep in contemplation.

Brown is a natural leader on and off the field.

Off the field, the athlete, who dazzles with his high-level performance in both defense and attack, stands out for his versatility. Brown is studying Spanish and is interested in meditative healing. He also reads a lot of history and philosophy literature. The actor, who supports football as a sport, is an anime fan and an enthusiastic chess player.
Brown bears a significant burden by being in the forefront of societal issues. While the NBA’s leadership is more supportive of its players taking a statement on social problems than the leadership of other major sports leagues in the United States, Brown believes that the next level of action should go beyond protests. It seeks more effective and specific measures that address systematic inequities in society, particularly in education.

Jaylen Brown

What is the most common misconception about you?

I’m not sure what others think of me, and to be honest, I don’t care. I’ve been told that I’m quiet, especially on the court. People may regard me as “scary,” “quiet,” or “stoic” because I rarely express my feelings. But those who know me know that this is not the case. I enjoy laughing, smiling, dancing, telling and listening to jokes, and making people happy.

Brown passes into the opponent's field

What about celebrity? Have you been able to strike a balance between your personal life and your public persona?

True and false. I tried to strike a balance between my celebrity and my personal life. For the most part, I believe I did well. Many individuals believe that because you are in your current position, there is no bother involved. But, no matter who you are, everyone faces difficulties. Nobody is immune to this. You may believe that the individuals you see on the screen have an idyllic existence, but you have no way of knowing what they are going through. To keep everything in order, balance is essential. There will be ups and downs. You can become overwhelmed at times. You can become apprehensive and tense at times. But I discovered techniques to make this process easier.