PERFECT DUO: Nikola Jokic and Aaron Gordon eat together at Gradska Kafana, I’m told, a restaurant in downtown Sombor

Nikola Jokić is on holiday in his hometown of Sombor, and Aaron Gordon, a teammate and buddy from Denver, visited him.

After watching Jokić’s horses perform at the hippodrome, they went to a local restaurant, where an amusing shot was snapped and shared on social media.Image

Jokić and Gordon are seen casually clothed with a waiter, and the Serbian basketball player holds a bag of packed meals.

Fans soon learned there was barbecue meat in the bag and began joking on social media with remarks like “Pack it to take away”.

To remind you, the racing weekend was held in Sombor on Sunday, and Nikola’s most valuable horse, Brenu Laumar, won the “Trotting Derby”. Jokić, Gordon, and his family gathered on the track to raise the trophy at the award ceremony.Aaron Gordon & Nikola Jokic

Mnogo više od OBIČNOG SUSRETA: Jokić i Gordon zagrljeni na mestu gde su  vodili najžešću borbu /FOTO/ -