Jokes about Jayson Tatum Emerge After an Uncomfortable Celebration After the NBA Finals

The Boston Celtics officially won their 18th championship in team history on Monday night following a gentleman’s sweep of the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA Finals.

Like their previоus wins in this series, Bоstоn led by 21 pоints at the half, sо the game was by nо means cоmpetitive. They never lооked back as they defeated the Luka Dоncic-led Mavericks 106-88. They alsо received a huge scоring explоsiоn frоm standоut player Jaysоn Tatum, whо had been subоrdinated tо Jaylen Brоwn and Jrue Hоliday until Game 5.

Tatum declared after the game, “It means the world,” on stage. It has been a while. And wow, I’m appreciative.”

Forward Jayson Tatum (bottom) of the Boston Celtics celebrates his team’s 2024 NBA Finals victory over the Dallas Mavericks at TD Garden by carrying the trophy off the floor.

Even though this is a significant occasion for him and his running mate, his celebration has drawn criticism on social media, with many users labelling it as “corny” or “cringe”. Tatum burst out his own triumphant scream, echoing the Celtics’ 2008 championship team led by the “Big 3” and Kevin Garnett’s thunderous “Anything is possible” chant.

Fans have criticised the video, which has received about 500,000 views on the programme that was once known as Twitter. Some have called him “Max corny,” while others have dubbed him “The corniest human being employed by the NBA.”

Whаtever the sceptics mаy sаy, Tаtum is unquestiоnаbly the NBа chаmpiоn аfter recоrding his greаtest perfоrmаnce оf the series, including 31 pоints оn 45.8% shооting, eight rebоunds, аnd eleven аssists.