Travis Kelce’s golf ball hit the back of this fan’s head, and here’s what she remembers

Katie Hauss was enjoying a day of watching her favorite celebs, including Travis Kelce, golf at the American Century Championship with her husband Ryan Griffiths on Friday, July 12.

Then, unexpectedly, she felt something strike the back of her skull.

“When I got hit, I immediately felt pain,” Hauss, 37, told PEOPLE exclusively. “I was simply trying not to black out, and at that moment, I had no idea what had happened. I then heard people shrieking and screaming that it was Travis Kelce’s golf shot, and ‘Oh my God, that girl just got smacked in the head.'”

“I tried to stay really calm and told my husband that I thought I was ok, it just hurt really bad,” she complained. “Then when I put my hand on my head, there was a lot of blood. I dropped down to try to get my bearings, when a Good Samaritan — he must have been a doctor or a first responder of some kind — came over and instantly applied pressure to the wound on my head. He urged me to remain still and that they were calling the EMTs. I am just so grateful to that man for assisting me, a complete stranger, and I wish I could thank him for his goodness.”

Hauss had been hit in the back of the head by a golf ball driven by Kansas City Chiefs tight end, 34. Travis and his brother Jason were among the golfers Hauss and Griffiths had come to Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course to watch.

“I travel up every year for the tournament. “We always look forward to attending celebrity golf, and it’s one of our favorite weeks of the year,” Hauss said of the annual event.

After learning what had happened, the Kelces made their way down the green.woman who was hit in the head by Travis' golf ball at the American Century Classic

“Travis must have walked down while I was still on the ground,” Hauss explained. “I simply remember seeing him approach, and I’m not sure what he said, but he asked if I was okay. I could tell he was distraught. He joked that the least he could do was take a photo with me, so I stood up and joked that if we were going to take a photo, at least the front of my face looked good and wasn’t bleeding. Travis stated that he couldn’t force himself to smile under the circumstances. I felt awful for him since I knew it was an accident, and it can’t feel good to do that in front of a large crowd.

EMTs arrived shortly and determined that her head had been split. They recommended that Hauss go to the hospital to ensure that she did not have a fracture or internal bleeding. When she arrived to the ER, they confirmed she had a concussion and required a few stitches in her skull.woman who was hit in the head by Travis' golf ball at the American Century Classic

Hauss also recalls holding the cup in her hand, which only held water, and having it constantly replenished to wash the blood from her arms and legs.

“This week was a bit touch and go, but as of today I’m feeling much better and on the mend!” Hauss spoke with PEOPLE one week after the event. “I ride horses professionally for business, so putting on a helmet earlier this week was a little challenging, but I succeeded. The doctor wanted to give me staples at first, but I fought for some dissolving stitches and glue because of the nature of my profession.”woman who was hit in the head by Travis' golf ball at the American Century Classic

She also commented on the brothers’ New Heights podcast from before the event, in which Travis said, “Don’t feel bad if you hit somebody because they bought the ticket.”